Re: Has anyone tried Clarkia?
I have been taking
Clarkia for 14 days, holistic horizons bulking#3 for 12 days,cleanse for 3 days and 3
coffee enemas with
Clarkia in them. I have also done a few olive oil and grapefruit/lemon juice flushes. I started getting stomache grumbling after 4 days without passing anything unusual. my husband started passing funky stuff immediately. (funny, he was hard to convince to take it, and now he's had great results and recommends to everyone he knows!)
I got constipated really, really badly and laid of the
Clarkia for a few days and then finally broke down and did the enemas.
I have passed sesame seeds,lots and lots of mucous, spiders, and things that look like grape peels, pieces of balloon and potato skins I am now passing thousands of chunks that I am not sure are either
parasite eggs, or stones.
I only started passing these things since using these products and with the exception of about a week of miserable die off and constipation, I feel good for the first time in just about a year, the past 2 days I feel on top of the world!
Hope this helps and happy cleansing. p.s. don't forget the skin brushing. It helps even if you don't take anything at all!