Re: How do I know when all the impacted poop is out?
Everyone is so different you have to find what works for you and if what you're doing isn't working then change it. I notice that you are doing a lot of the #1. I dont know that this is such a good idea as it is laxative, really meant to clear out the #2 after it has collected toxic material, which you aren't taking so what is it clearing out? 5-6 day
Bowel Cleanses at a time are not enough, I dont think. A 3 month (or longer) cleanse with the P&B shakes would be more beneficial. A
Bowel Cleanse should be done once a year like a spring clean with a
parasite cleanse. But if your body is rundown, you should concentrate on building it up a bit first. I had to stop my
Bowel Cleanse as I just wasnt fit enough to do a cleanse, totally unbalanced my electrolytes. Minerals are SO important, especially when bowel cleansing.
Perhaps you should look at your digestion. I am just finding out the importance of Probiotics for colon health and digestion. Also looking at stomach acid and enzymes - you can take the best supplements and food, in the world but if your body cant break them down and use them its money (and your health) down the drain. What's more if your body cant use it, it has to get rid of it as waste.
Also we have to look at the phsycology of health. Every symptom has a link to the conscious part of us. Eg;
parasites are linked to dependancy or giving away our power. Look at your symptoms, describe them in detail and then try to find the relevance to what is happening/happened in your life right now or in the past. And ask yourself what is the payoff for being sick and what you would gain or loose with your health recovered. You say "It's hard for me to get up the energy to take herbs all the time" why is it hard? This is a starting point to finding out how you feel subconsciously. Energy follows thought.
So many aspects of health to be looked at.