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Re: How do I know when all the impacted poop is out?
Hey Kanon,
I was in in a similar position about 3-4 years ago, sleeping 18 hrs a day with CFS. My legs swelled up & it was difficult for me to climb the stairs in my house (I am normally very agile & not overweight). Anyway I attended a naturopath & went on various treatments. The biggest turn around for me however personally was the Liver Cleanse which increased my energy 75%. It gave me the ability to start various other treatments.
I know what you mean about the struggle of trying to keep up with the treatments, it seems like such a huge burden, even with just remembering things. You life just revolves around it! I also have found that aloe vera juice a wonderful thing for me personally & every time I go back on it I feel much better.
It must be a huge challenge by yourself. I had people around me but very little support because they just didn't believe in CFS!
Anyway, keep going! By the sounds of it you have had enormous strength & perserverance in the most difficult of situations. You will find the key, just keep trying!!!
PS Afterthought: Have you ever looked into minerals (my daughter is severely deficient & so am I (we have only just discovered it recently!!!). Supplements of MP, IP, CP & PC have made a big difference to both of our health's.