THis is my second day of the salt water flush--yesterday drank the salt water and heaved a little but manged to keep it down and had quite a cleansing effect which lasted for several hours, however the salt water made feel sick (like on the constant verge of vomiting) most of the entire day, tried the lemonade and still made me sick and I finally resorted to drinking some apple juice to make me feel a little better. By 8pm was the first I felt even remotely human at all and ate a scrambled egg because my stomach was so bad off.
I was determined to start off today right and did the flush. I became violently ill and vomited about 60% of the solution--I couldn't keep it down no matter how hard I tried. I still managed to have some cleansing, but the vomiting is so extreme and sickening that I don't know what to do. I really want to do this but I can't hold this salt water down at all. Can anyone help me?