Re: A question for you + an interesting website
Dear 43453,
I must confess I didn't read anything past the first paragraph.
[Quote] "...I'm not sure why most, if not all of the Zone, wants alternative medicine held to a lower scientific standard than conventional medicine. Deny that statement if you want, but when you pooh-pooh double-blind studies, adequate control groups, etc, that is what you are essentially saying. I know one argument that is used is that these types of studies aren't carried out on alternative remedies because there's no profit in them for mainstream medicine, thus they ignore potentially helpful treatments. Here's my question: Given unlimited monetary resources, totally unbiased scientists, the highest-tech equipment in the world, perfect experimental design; in other words, the perfect study: would you submit your favorite alternative remedy to be tested?"
This is SOOooo simple it shouldn't need mentioning. But of course I will. The death and injury rate of allopathic's synthetic medicine and all natural protocols is ruffly a 100,000 to 1, assuming the 100k isn't lowballed due to lawsuits and butt covering. The need for close scrutiny and honest testing should be at about the same ratio in an un-brainwashed world. If you need to do some research to verify those numbers it all over the medicals records, kept by them. Now thereee's something for you to research! Maybe you could find that it's only 90,000 to 1 if you fudge a few more categories. I thing much tougher standards should be applied to the Group with that mind blowing lead (in proper proportion of course) that represents untold heartbreak, pain, death, shattered families,and dreams. So before we elevate the term "evidence-based" to biblical stature, let us remember that evidence is only as valid as the integrity of those who create it.
And Oh by the way, the King doesn't have any cloths.
RESEARCH THIS!!!! (for one)
Enough said!!!