The Master-Cleanse worked for me. I had 30-35lbs to lose. My first round of Master-Cleanse was for 12 days, I lost 12.5 lbs. Throughout the rest of my various cleanses afterwards (parasite, blood, liver, etc), I continued to lose another 5lbs for a total of 18 lbs over 4 months. Somewhere in there I did slip for about a week and gained back 2lbs. For about 4 weeks I plateaued at -18lbs, probably a good thing while my body adjusted to these changes (I gained the 30lbs over a 2 year period).
I'm now on my second round of total cleansing, Day 3 of the Master-Cleanse and have started to lose again.
Strange things in the toilet? I have no idea what you're talking about, LOL. Seriously, depends on how you chose to eliminating assistance, laxative tea, salt solution flush and if you're doing the P&B shakes. I've decided to include the P&B shakes this time around. I'm finding wondering and interesting shapes of stuff in my toilet bowl.