Our tunnell/light experiences seem to parallel the secret Eqyptian rite of Osiris, God of Resurrection. In ancient times the number of candidates was highly selected, undergoing prior trials and purifications before they were allowed to enter this highest iniation, where knowledge of immortality and one's essential divinity was experientially disclosed to him. In contrast, our present day tunnel/light experience usually is with no warning and no spiritual training that would provide some preparatory insight into the nature and implication of the experience. Usually it is a direct consequence of an unwanted situation, my setting a sterile hospital, where illness is central and the experience an annoying distraction that is minimized or disregarded by others. Now, years later, I view my experience as an initiation. I have had the experience and am now on a quest, a quest for the meaning, a quest to help tease out the meaning from the afterglow of the memory. The mysterious lite always there, the hole of white in the densest blackness, thru which we can climb into Origin.