I must slow my life down to hear God(Yah) over the background noise. I have been in three major car accidents...When I was calm and peaceful...recovering from tragedy....I would take the time to start talking to God the way you would talk to a real understanding father or a loving, caring, forgiving mother. Tell them everything you are feeling...all of your fears and all of your hopes and dreams. I talk to Yah more than I talk to my family. I know that no matter how selfish and rude I am to Yah, Yah(God) still loves me. Listen for that quiet voice. If it sounds like love and goodness...you are on the right track...if it sounds like judgement and fear...that is not the right voice...keep your spiritual ears open...Outdoors in a beautiful setting helps...it also helps to face a sunrise and tune in love when the world is still calm. I hope this helps...It has worked for me several times. : )