Re: Intestinew and SAMe- what do you think?
Your body needs sulphur to function and that is why foods like eggs, broccoli and onions are some of the healthiest foods there are. As for only eating one ounce of protein a day, I think this is definitely an insufficient amount. Your body needs amino acids to function properly, and the only place to get them is from protein, which is made up of amino acids. Also, when doing a detox diet, detox experts say to eat lots of protein because your body needs it to help with detox. The amino acids that make up glutathione, cysteine, glutamine and methionine, I believe, are essential to help your liver detox. Now, if your digestion is poor, then eating a lot of animal protein makes it hard on your system, otherwise it is fine. The problem is not eating too much protein, the problem lies in eating too little fiber. If you eat enough fiber, you can avoid putrefaction in the colon from animal protein. Zinc is necessary for the body to function properly, but it is hardly a cure for
Body Odor . I tried it and it basically did nothing? It is a necessary component to getting rid of
Body Odor since it helps the body function properly, but it is by no means a cure-all for BO. Did you find that zinc alone cured your BO problem?