actually i dont have dry mouth and yes this does lead to bad breath if you have dry mouth but everyone get dry mouth or "cotton mouth" from time to time when nervous. that is very normal but its not normal to have chronic bad breath even when not nervous. and yes some people have chronic dry mouth but there are cures for dry mouth i went to the doctor and the way you tell if you have constant dry mouth is if your tounge is dry white and no saliva in mouth, my tounge the doctor said, was clean and well with saliva, so sorry your theory is not true. yes of coarse BB causes psychological disorders social anxiety, why shouldnt it, who want to go around stinking and and having people react. dry mouth is not always the cause of BB. its easy to help dry mouth. it is positively proven that bacteria is whats causing the odor. kill the bacteria and it grows back in minutes so we have constant bad breath regardless of brushing cleansing with antiseptics and what not.