definately get some iron.. its cheap. Even if you dont have alot of $$ I know here in Canada its about $4 for 100, here you have to get it "behind the counter" its not out in the aisles. I looked for it forever just to save you some hassle I thought I would mention that. Also I thought I would tell you the last few days I have been really sweaty and I thought it was the humidtiy but its not humid today, I ran out of iron a few days ago, anyway this am I stopped and bought some and I bet within 15 or 20 mins the sweating stopped. sweating has been a huge thing for me so its kinda funny that I didnt remember it in the first list of symptoms I was going thru... guess I forgot casue the iron works so well. they say iron is constipating so that might be sometihng you will have to deal with ,for me its not a problem.. dont no why,but I would bet being a little consitipated would be worth it for not feeling like you were dying anymore! good luck .... ill post that stuff next week when I get a chance to get home!