Ive had panic/anxiety for over a year now.. i feel like its progressed into chronic fatigue or something like neurasthenia.. when i take hot showers, i get rashes/hives.. when i go out in the hot weather i get prickly.. i feel constantly so fatigued and tired.. i have blue under my eyes .. i literally think im dying slowly.. ive seen docs, tried meds, and tried cousenling and nothing works.. Im 22, have no history of medical problems, had my thyroid checked .. all fine.. only think it could be is candida.. but i dont eat sugar, eat healthy , i eat brown rice and oatmeal.. i mean unless candida can be caused by the oatmeal in the morning i doubt i have candida..anyone have any advice? i dont want to die like this .. and doctors are blowing me off.. i have trouble even filling out some paperwork, by the time im done, i feel tired, frustrated and fatigued.. whats going on with me? please help.. im desperate and im pretty much at home all day long stressing about why im like the way i am.. well thanks for listening to me .. bye