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Re: This is one of the best -if not the best- post I have read on the adrenals-or more to the point the
DJThompson Views: 22,859
Published: 19 y
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Re: This is one of the best -if not the best- post I have read on the adrenals-or more to the point the

"Just FYI, this guy has posted about a dozen different stories all over this place. Look in the eczema and Psoriasis forms. I don't know anything about the product, maybe it works. But I'd want to see it to believe it-with actual photos of it working on my neighbor."

Why don't you read something about the "product"--the information has just recently been translated from the original French into English on an academic site http://www/ by a Canadian naturopath, Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D. I don't sell it, I just use it.

As for me, this "guy" is an old lady (grandma, age 58, part-time schoolmarm), and if you have had adrenal fatique, you know that the systemic effects are many. I could post on a dozen more forums with information related to everything that went bad when my adrenals crashed from extreme, prolonged mental stress-- thyroid, congested liver, hives,conjuctivitis, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, B vit deficiency, calcium deficiency, low stomach acid, pH in cancer range (6 and below), kidney failure, unhealed injuries, "lumps" I removed with escharotic salves (I am featured on my own website as a black salve "model,") arthritis, gum disease, hair loss, weight gain, brain fog, memory loss, agorophobia, dry skin, etc. And that was just with the adrenal failure since 2000. For treatment I had the O.G.Carroll food intolerance Test, glandular protomorphogens,tissue salts, Sea Salt , fasting, detoxing, constitutional hydrotherapy, parasite cleanse, liver/gallbadder flush, and more resently seawater (ocean plasma) therapy, u-cure program for stress which also lowered my blood pressure, and the Budwig protocol. The seawater has done the most noticible changes physically--and my pH is now 7. (I'm still aiming for 7.4 but it took 5 years to find a way to bring it up.)

I don't sell anything. I do unpaid research to get information and pass it on to others, as well as what I find for myself. When I find things that work for me or others I know, I spread the word. I didn't check to see which product you were complaining about, but if it was the seawater, you should read the documentation before dismissing something you admit knowing anything about. It's the most natural, simple remedy available because in diluted form its identical to blood plasma, amniotic fluid, sweat, tears,,,only in perfected form. It contains every mineral known to man in proper rations, in organic form, not inorganic like most of the minerals people take. I'm just disgusted that the information has been available for over 100 years and we weren't told. But then, it can't be patented, so it's not a money=maker for Pharma.

Then there was another health crisis in 1979-- food intolerances caused pre-cancerous stomach ulcers, chronic bronchitis, sciatica, ovarian cysts, heart murmur, and arthritis. I was cured in 5 weeks with diet adjustments, constitutional hydrotherapy, glandular protomorphogens, and homeopathic tissue salts...and nothing else. There's probably a few more topics I could go to with this group.

Oh yes, and then there was the vaccine disaster in 1986--infection with flesh-eating virus, naturopathic treatment only, photos included.

Then there was the two bouts of hepatitis.

There was also a spiritual healing.

The doctor who cured me, many members of my family, inlaws, friends and acquaintences, then mentored me for 2 1/2 years with the intention that I would spread the word. (I'm only 25 years late) What I saw at his clinic would cover most of the rest of the forums on this site. So, what do I do? Stay silent when I know there is the kind of help out there that few people know anything about?

By the way, I added seawater pages to my site and am now doctoring a dog that came close to being put down with a couple of the above remedies. I'm keeping a photo account of her progress online.



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