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Re: Adrenals failed, adrenals fixed
DJThompson Views: 21,617
Published: 20 y
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Re: Adrenals failed, adrenals fixed

This has been a long journey for me, but I saw my father (Addison's Disease, unlike mine) and maternal grandfather (Lupus, unlike my case) both die from adrenal-related complications and it wasn't pretty. No way was I going the cortisone route.

I went to the U-Cure site to check on their information page with all of the scientific info and the link isn't working...again. I told them about this problem several days ago and they said they fixed it, but it's either down again or wasn't fixed right at the time. I also asked if the special for Kevin Trudeau website memhers was still available. I spent $10 to join for one month and got an email from one of his doctors about these CD's, and got them for $100 so it was well worth it, considering the full price. I lent them out or I'd loan them again. I wish I'd known about these and the ocean plasma in the beginning, but that's the way it goes. I'm still waiting for my seawater order which comes all the way from Quebec, Canada and takes a while.

As for the glandulars, I'm not sure whether what you have is protomorphogens or not. You can tell by the names: Drenatrophin, Thytrophin (thryroid) and Pituitrophin (pituitory, of course). If this is what you have, they are very specific for glandular healing, but as you can see, I pushed the envelop way out there. Also, if I had been able to get through the fast as advised right away, it probably would have made a big difference, but I was such a wuss I just couldn't do it without help.

Don't take the Ocean Plasma too close to bedtime. You want that vitality during the day, not at night when rest is needed. I overdid it the first day and was awake all night, but not with the type of insomnia the disease causes. I hadn't had the insomnia for a couple of years--this was just getting a little supercharged at the wrong time of day. Not "buzzed," just awake and alert.

In case that link doesn't get fixed right away, the tonal part of the CD's comes from scientific discoveries that alternating certain tones in each ear causes people to go into different states of consciousness where they are more receptive to suggestion, like the state of hypnosis, but they claim these are NOT hypnosis. Following the tonal part, there is guided imagery and suggestion put in such a way that you are telling yourself to do what heals you--relaxation, breathing, self-healing. You have to go through this initial 3-CD program before they even let you purchase other tapes that can be used later, if you want, such as one addressing emotional trauma and several other subjects. I'm waiting for smoking and weightloss subjects, but they don't have those yet. One thing I can say--once the CD ends and you are "brought back" you really know you've been somewhere else in your head...if you wake up. But they usually put me so soundly to sleep that I'd wake up in the morning with my stereo headphones still on and seemingly in the same position in bed.



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