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Re: My story about ADRENALS...
finallyfaith Views: 2,623
Published: 19 y
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Re: My story about ADRENALS...


well, you have been through a lot you should congratualte yourself on making it through and getting serious about your health and well being. my first bit of advice is this - learn to be kind to yourself and to others. that alone will go further in healing you than anything else. stop blaming and shaming, start giving love to yourself and others. the Creator loves and vlaues you, start believing that.

as far as the body goes, yes physcial and mental and emotional issues all are so intimately connected it is hard to tell where one ends and another begins. in a way it doesn't matter. just start doing the things you know will make you healthy physically and emoitonally.

there are a million different theories and concepts on curezone that people have found useful, i would advise that you visit different forums and read various messages, chances are you will find one forum that vibes with you and seems to address the problems you are dealing with. the liver, kidney and parasite cleanses are always good things to do, regardless of the problem.

i personally deal with different issues including physical pain and depression. what i have found that has helped me more than anything else is juice fasting. i like it because the juice is first off so yummy, it is fresh and healthy, it helps to alkanize and detox my system, and it gives me plenty of energy throughout the day. start off with a short one and then increase. apple, carrot, lemon juice is my favorite. the orange juice fast is another popular one that people say really helped them. of course these are fresh juices, not bottled. you can find a cheap juicer on ebay for not too much if money is tight. and buy organic, that helps.

if you have stressed adrenals, then your kidneys are almost certainly stressed too. you really should do the kidney flush before you try the liver or parasite cleanse.

well, i hope that helps. keep seeking health.



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