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Re: MLK - here's to yawning
superhero Views: 1,846
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 554,273

Re: MLK - here's to yawning

...yet more name-calling/insults.....but to get to your points(s)...

Actually there USED to be official holidays named after Lincoln and Washington...but I guess these men just weren't good enough on their own.

But have you ever noticed when communist/Tryannical countries march in and take over a country how they'd remove and eliminate any statues or physical remains of past leaders/Presidents/heros of that country? Well libs are doing the same thing here. They can't physically destroy the USA (yet) but at least they're removing our great leaders' from the eyes of this nation's people. (They do the same thing in textbooks by re-writing history!) Libs tend to want to forget that great American leaders ever existed -- so they just figured out a way to erase them....all the while propping up a guy who fits their agenda.

As far as Bush saying "there's much improvement needed.", get used to it...people are going to be saying that till the end of time! This will never end...ever.



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