What are you talking about?
You missed any kind of message I was saying, and just babbled on about something totally redundant and false.
Either you don't read posts, don't get them, or don't want to get them. I would go with the latter.
There is no point disscussing anything with you.
But you know what really annyos me about you is that you always act like you don't name call. (Which btw I didn't in my last post though you say I did if you care to quote, please do.) I think you name call more then a lot of people on here, more than me for sure, but you always pretend that you only have intellectual debate, where in reality you insult and name call all the time. Either stop it, or stop talking about it. At least I don't preach that I don't name call, of course I have called you names, who wouldn't, but at least I'm not a hypocrite that pretends I didn't.
Superstupid-dumb-size of a poppy seed brain-retard.