Re: Howard Dean
A proper unbiased and independent investigation should have been done. Not one 2 years later with a fox guarding the henhouse type of approach.
If a proper investigation was done some(not all) would be very suprised to find it was an inside job. The terrorists are Bu$hco. 911 was akin to the blowing up of the Reichstag Buliding by Hitler so he could blame his detractors. This time it was done so American's would A) get behind the globalist war for oil and B) buy into a police state mentality due to fear of terrorism. People wouldn't give up their freedoms without a good reason and that is it. Now we see Patriot act 1 and 2. Note the name which is exactly opposite of what it implies. It takes away freedoms instead of guaranteeing them.
Are you aware that Bu$h's Grandfather funded Hitler's war effort?
Are you aware that figherfighter's who were intitially reporting they found plastic explosive residue in the towers and measured temperatures well above that of jet fuel (in the range of plastic explosives) had a gag order placed on them courtesy Bu$hco?
911 was a demolition job.
Why was the no fly zone that was usually in place in the area, temporarily ignored?
Why were many government agents that work in the towers told not to show up to work that day?
On and on and on it goes.
I'll post some on this.
There is lots in the curezone archives, but instead of just reading it, check into these things yourself. Many christians are waking up to the fact that their president is not a christian at all and has mislead them big time.
There is so much proof of hese things and more that a person would have to hide from the truth to ignore them all.