20 y
Questions about a new boyfriend...
Hi there,
I have recently started being sexually active again with a new partner. The first time we made out he was really doting. He would tell me how beautiful I am and was very adoring, which I like (being the libra I am!)
He doesn't really dote anymore, verbally, but he seems very into the physical side of the relationship. However, the second time we were going to have sex, he reached for the condom and lost his erection. We laid back down and he just remained quiet. I told him no pressure, we can just watch a movie, so we did. He never fails to become aroused later on, and sometimes he does remain hard for the condom. But two more times this has happened since then.
I really don't think it's because he isn't attracted to me. All other signs point to the fact that he is very attracted. But it just makes me wonder if putting a condom on is a turn off for him....or is he nervous to perform? Afterall, this is still new between us. Maybe the comfort level needs to increase?
An ex of mine had this happen to him when we first started making out, then it went away. When we had first started having sex --the first time, namely-- he had a hard time staying really seemed to be nerves. Then the problem never came back.
Maybe it's nervewrecking for a guy to perform before he feels completely comfortable with a girl?
One more question--- how do I handle this? I want to make sure that he understands that I won't be dissappointed in him if we don't have sex.
Any thoughts, ideas, advice?