Hi just a reply to your message.You cant force someone to do something they dont like because you like to give it to him doesnt mean he likes it.But if it is very important to you then maybe you are not compatible it seems like it is so in the long run do you think this will fade or become more of a problem.The thing about being with someone is that you are totally compatible if it is important (no matter how trivial or not )then that should be something you shouldnt have to sacrifice.Its like if you were a boss and wanted someone who can type and speak french and answer the phone, and you take someone who speaks french answers the phone but doesnt type would you take them?no because they dont meet your needs...simple really.Find someone who meets your needs or alternatively stop giving him OS and see if he misses it....if he doesnt then this isnt a big issue for him so he wont really understand why you need it so much but i dont think ive met men who dont like it so just see.Maybe you are too willing to give and he isnt meaning you should find someone who is more like you.