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Re: getting turned on?
brinaharmony Views: 2,143
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 534,290

Re: getting turned on?

you know, most teenagers are confused. it's all part of growing up. so is the newfound sexual feelings she is having. she really said nothing about all those things everyone started attacking and passing judgement on her for, including doing drugs and participating in the p 0 r n business.

plus, if everyone is being honest with themselves, it's true that we all get conflicting information, if we really keep up with current events. . . but that's neither here nor there

it sounds like everyone is projecting their own negativity on this kid and that is really the opposite of why she came on this site:

Im a 16 year old girl, and i heard somewhere that most girlst (especialy myage) are not atracted to p 0 r nography. Well, I'm bisexual and i watch p 0 r n a lot and am really turned on by it. Why am I affected by t in this way when other girls arn't?

if you'll notice, she is asking why she is stimulated by p 0 r n and you're all telling her that it's because she is abnormal, putting her down and being really alarmist. what's the deal? many teenagers say "the more you disapprove, the more fun it is for me" what i'm saying is. . . don't neglect that if you really care that she might need attention


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