okay, first of all, none of this attack on this girl is warranted in the least. she never said she wants to become a p 0 r n star and she never said she's into having multiple partners or "sleeping with whatever and whoever comes along" to para. some responses. she wants to know if she is normal!
I think it's safe to say that she is. And all that bs about bush/cheney, what is the deal with you guys? that is just a little out of line in my opinion.
the only thing that concerns me, sixteen girl, is that you say you watch it a lot. what is "a lot"? Other than that, you'll be okay. don't let these posts get you down.
you know, i think that it all started out with your best intentions at heart, but then it just got nasty and egos were thrown around. people, check yourselves. what is your goal?