20 y
Re: getting turned on?
Sixteen girl-33045 gave you some very good, well thought out information about the p 0 r n industry (and I do mean INDUSTRY/ENTERTAINMENT) and you totally ignored most of it. Your basic question of why most sixteen year old GIRLS aren't interested in p 0 r n is becauese they are pursing interests, hobbies and social interactions appropriate to SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRLS. They are more interested in dating, part time jobs, the prom, fashion and friends. Frankly, I don't even think 16 year olds should be on this site. I believe you are too young and don't know as much about the world as you think you do. I know that sounds harsh, but that is not atypical of teenagers. (I also can tell your immaturity by the way you responded ot 33045.) So, please don't squander these teenage years. Enjoy them in ways you won't regret later. And what is up with this 'bisexual' thing? You've only had your period for 3 years and already you have decided you like any and all things that come your way?
Try being a friend, daughter, sibbling, volunteer, jock or prom queen during these important years. You can be a p 0 r n star when you are an adult and you have researched this plan properly.