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Re: godly help please
shelleycat Views: 1,405
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 529,503

Re: godly help please

As someone who has lived with an abusive father for years, I must point out that no matter whether or not he is saved, he is not behaving right, and I wouldn't call an abuser saved simply because he accepts Christ. A true Christian would harm themselves before harming another. There is no Christ or right action when one is a bully, and bullies break every vow and violate the sanctity of marriage when they abuse their wives physically, verbally or emotionally.

I don't care if his father did it, at some point, it becomes his responsibility for not dealing with it. As a cop, he knows there are plenty of anger-management workshops that he could go to, lots of support groups. He sees spousal abuse on the job, probably, so he's busting others for doing what he gets away with.

Please please please do not use your love of Christ, one of the most beautiful beings in existence, as a reason to stay with an abuser. There's Christ and then there's the Church, and they are not always one and the same, you know, especially when the Church quotes from the Old Testament, which is the book of the Jews that Jesus rebelled against. For instance, the commandment "Honor thy father and thy mother" I take to mean as - honor them IF they are honorable! If they tell me to do something against my own beliefs that puts me in danger, I won't do it! Thus I do not honor my father, nor would I honor or submit to a husband who has so little care for the Christ within me.


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