Re: But, can you identify??
Hay, look what I found.
"Mite: a minute arachnid with a flat alst transparent body and four pairs of legs. Many species of these rlatives of ticks and spiders are parasitic. including the chigger and sarcoptes scabiei, which cause localixed pruritus and inflammation. Some female mites burrow into the skin and lay eggs that hatch into larvae; the movemnt of the larvae cause intese itching" 4# Mosby's dictionary:1994 page 1004
When they feed, they turn red due to their transparent body. Also, see if you have a nest around, or in the walls of your bedroom. Sometimes a nest can be found near the bed and this is a way to become infected.
Also, for the HIV and immune compromised individuals, systemic (all over body) infestations can occur.
It could be lice too, because they can spread to the body as well, but they do not burrow under the skin as do mites.