Re: Tapeworm Skin Without the Worm - help!
This is the protocol that I used.
Fasting 14 days
parasite cleans and Fasting first week
First week: NO FOOD
First week: drink only clean water and fresh squeezed lemon juice/cayenne pepper/maple: through out the day. As much as you want.
First week: Give yourself one (warm water) enema a day for seven days. Morning time!! Need enema bag, (Wal-Mart)
First week : take the full strength
parasite program after enema and just before bed time. ß(very important). One dose a day for seven days.
Wormwood: seven caps -fill cap up to top.
Black walnut-drink one whole bottle per day.
Cloves-Grind to a powder & fill 7 capsules
C) bowel cleans and fast: Second week
water enema once a day for a week. ßFirst thing in the morning.
One time dose of maintenance
parasite herbs: (One day a week) at night.
Drink lots of clean water all day, with lemon juice/cayenne/maple
Betonite Clay-One tablespoon, three times a day.
(phsilium husk) One red cap three times a day.
D) Juicer needed: third week
One time dose of maintenance parasite herbs: Pick one day.
Drink lots of fresh clean lemon water/cayenne/maple !!!
First thing after waking up: One small glass of beat juice . Don’t mix with anything other than water. Drink all juices on an empty stomach.
Start walking for one hour a day: a must for stamina and circulation
Breakfast: have two glasses of fresh carrot juice and apple juice one hour before morning meal. Fresh fruit or veggies.
Lunch: have two cups of fresh carrot juice one hour before a sheaf salad. No Meat
Dinner: two cups of fresh apple juice one hour before regular meal. Veggie soup, potatoes, rice.
Bed time: take your fiber ß(very important) One red tablespoon and 2 cups of water.
E) Liver cleans: Fourth week
Pick a day at the end of this last week ^^^
You can integrate the
Liver Flush in every three weeks as needed.
One day after your liver flush, take the maintenance parasite herbs