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Tapeworm Skin Without the Worm - help!
MS2786 Views: 12,110
Published: 22 y

Tapeworm Skin Without the Worm - help!

I have been going through different theories today about Tapeworms. I took the ParaGONE for a month and passed what I assumed were 6 WHOLE Tapeworms at 2-3 feet long as well as tons of other smaller worms and smaller tapeworms.

I took two weeks off, to get stronger, before I will take another program of the herbs. I expected to start gaining my weight back and feeling better, but it's not happening. I am so thin and anorexic looking, my hair is still falling out, and I look severely malnutritioned. I always feel like I'm starving and cannot seem to eat enough. I also feel like I have a golf ball on the right side of my stomach and my throat feels like I swallowed a hard candy.

Today, as I was reflecting back, I remembered something very important about those Tapeworms I had passed. I realized that they looked like an outer layer of skin because they were opened up (like shedded snake skin). Then today, I read in my new book that treatment with Wormwood remedies will remove the skin of the worms. I have this feeling that I have not been killing Tapeworms afterall. Even Hulda Clark says that the herbs are not enough to kill them. But instead, those were simply the outer layer of skin on the tapeworm! This means I still have all these monsters thriving inside of me.

The reason I am posting is to ask for any feedback I might be able to get here. I feel very desperate, because I am doing so badly. I have considered taking a Tapeworm drug or the Co Q 10, but this is all very confusing. Any advice would be very appreciated!




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