homeopathic nosodes for lyme
I agree with you, people that have a good idea that they have lyme find the bowen test. I think that lyme is an absolute epidemic, and that most people in the U.S. have it, don't know it, and are asymptomatic.... and that this is the reason why all people tested so far are positive. i think being human pretty much means having this bacterium in you. i also think lyme is an opportunist; keep cleansing and eating well, enhancing the immune system naturally with all that is written about on curezone, e.g., liver, bowel and kidney cleansing is the way the battle is won. i don't think lyme can prevail when someone eats right, has no stones in their liver, and has clean organs of elimination. that's why i've been doing liver, bowel and kidney cleansing in addition to taking the homeopathic remedy.
the thing i've noticed with the remedy is that its just like
Antibiotics in that if someone has a chronic, long standing infection, it will take months - many - to clear it completely. so if you take the nosode and it agrees with you, don't stop - keep going. i've been on it for about 4 months. lyme isn't my main complaint (I had 2 other serious things happen that i'm recovering from), and i am recovering slowly. (but at least i am recovering now). so i expect to take the lyme nosode for months. its not that it works slower than
Antibiotics , its that the same rules about the lyme bacteria only being vulnerable when its in the growing phase still holds true, i believe.
the nosode that i'm taking was made by a homeopath that i know; he makes his own. he works out of raleigh, NC. if you are within range of raleigh, email me and i will send you his name & number.
any alternative center that has a homeopath on staff should be able to get you set up. homeopaths are listed in the yellow pages and they'll take phone calls regarding this, so you'd know in advance before an appt. about it. naturopaths will also have access to the lyme remedies. just specify that you're looking for a lyme nosode. some homeopaths treat lyme with ledum, instead of a lyme-nosode, so that's a question to ask them. i've never taken ledum so i can't vouch.
here's a homeopath on the web that i've emailed personally, and she seemed really good -
http://www.cindeegardner.com/boom11.htm she carries the mediral line which does have a lyme nosode. (i once asked her a question about another homeopathic remedy, and she answered quickly and was very upbeat).
i searched online hopefully to save you some clicking time. here's lyme nosodes which appear to be orderable without going through a naturopath/homeopath. each nosode will be alittle different; if you get one that you don't like, try another brand. i'm a fan of homeopathic remedies (recently used it for a bee sting) and found that i like a lesser known brand better than the wellknown one that whole foods carries. so we're all alittle different.
http://www.innersourcehealth.com/patients/orderform.html (looks like this one needs a 15 min. appt. with the homeopath via phone).
there, that should do it. if you have any questions, please email me.