Re: update to my own message about RA - how I am now
Like my reply to haishibushuohao below, I bought the mag pulser and silver pulser from SOTA last August and used them consistently and daily for about 2 months. The virus (folks,
RA is caused by a virus in your joints) tried to run to my other joints so I blasted everything with that mag pulser, and had great sucess. I no longer take MSM and Ester C (which I was SO tired of), and take 1600 IUs of Unique E a day - my husband and I are friends of the owners and it is absolutely 100% pure E with no fillers so it never goes rancid and therefore is not harmful at this high level...but we take it for overall health and plaque removal, not RA. And I just follow a
healthy Diet free of sugar, flour, caffeine and
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) ...when your tastebuds get used to the change you realize how wonderful it is! There are ways in which
RA is a blessing because it forces you to be healthy and thereby...maybe elongates your life because of your forced lifestyle change? Well, I get plenty of exercise. One tip - do exercise that makes you bend those joints that hurt - it pushes the fluids out and then they feel SO much better - you really DO have to use it or you'll lose it. I still have joint damage so I must always keep an eye on how I feel. Blessings to all, jserine