Re: cure for all types of arthritis and answer
Hi haishibushuohao,
Since I last posted my own methods 2 messages above in this thread, much has changed. I used the mag pulser and silver pulser from SOTA to great affect, drank the colloidal, and pretty much put my
RA in remission. The only symptoms I have now are the occassional pain from the damage that was done before; I still get some swelling now and then too, but I have started excercizing (long walks or biking the trails on the weekend and low impact aerobics, both of which get those joints moving). I keep my diet clean of caffeine,
Sugar and white flour, and the only supplements I take are Unique E because we know the owners - and the E is for life, not just RA. That's it. Cleansing fasts and plaque removal are things EVERYONE should do for health, and we continue those perhaps once a year or more just because we should. I just try to be good and drink plenty of water, and be healthy overall. The mag pulser and silver pulser absolutely 'DO' work and they are great doctors when you have a cold or sore throat-(all ailments gone in a few hours to a day folks!). But nothing is going to repair the joint damage done except taking the right oils and products for joint building, and I don't have much damage.
All this said, how are you going to cure RA? Please do tell, because I am not in perfect shape here and always welcome more information - I'm very interested.