Re: 8th flush; biggest stones yet!
Hey Rainbow:
I start the castor oil packs at about 5-6 p.m. or so. I put the caster oil on an old 100% cotton cloth, then layer a piece of wax paper on top, then tape it all in place with masking tape. I then put a hot water bottle on top of that, and keep it in place for the remainder of the evening, or as long as I can stand it, for at least 4-5 hours.
I take and squeeze two ruby red grapefruits into a cup. I then, in a seperate glass, pour in 1 cup of either olive oil or safflower oil. Starting at 7 p.m., I will start taking a tablespoon at a time of each.
During all of this, I have castor oil packs on, and I slept with them on last night.
I have passed probably about 100 more stones from my first post. Most of them have been chickpea size.
This flushing method is working well for me.