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Re: Ah yes, time for another quack watch post.

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

  Views: 1,417
Published: 21 y
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Re: Ah yes, time for another quack watch post.

well here is the scoop...i had an ultrasound and found that there are no stones anywhere...which makes me want to still try the flush and see if any come out. i mean that way i will have had to have created them myself with the oil lemon etc...but i think it will be an interesting experiment none the less. i do think a lot of these people are severely obsessed with giving out advice on this site. their lives seem overwhelmed by it. i feel sad to stop in here and see the same 10-30 people posting like every 3 minutes. i mean to see that some people have done the Liver Flush like 30 times?? that is a bit much. really now where could these 3000 stones have been sitting in your body...with stuff like that it really makes me wonder. then when you top it off with the runners of this site changing the content of my posts and the other posters accusing anyone who is not all gung ho for the concept as some wacky Conspiracy creator it really throws the validity of what they are saying into you know where i am coming from? i mean if the concoction actually does create the stones but they act as some sort of gravel type scrubber for my intestines then cool...but i will know that i didnt all of a sudden get a pocket of Gallstones over night. this should be fun (i hate the fasting part~food is a great friend of mine)


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