now this is really change a post someone was serious about and alter the contents to better suit one side. i posted this message out of true curiosity and someone from this web site took off the link i had posted and added several ones that are the opposite of what i was wondering about.
if i thought i had questions before you can bet i am worried now. if your facts and information cant stand on their own merits how can i trust you when you create your own conspiricy.
that is a very very scary thing that you did. almost evil i would say. i do not think you should ever alter peoples posts.....that is sneaky underhanded and takes away the free will of your posters to read what came from users hearts and to know where everyone is really coming from.
you were very wrong and should be ashamed. i am sure even people who love Hulda Clark dont want you to alter peoples posts to fit your own opinions are we in china????iraq???? scary