Re: Ah yes, time for another quack watch post.
I had many of the same questions you had, and found the Quackwatch site early on when doing research. Its good that you are willing to ask questions and see all sides of different issues. Personally, there are some things Dr. Clark advocates I do not agree with and do not practice. However there are other things, especially the liver flush, that have proved to be of great benefit.
I nearly died because of a traditional doctor's mismanagement of prescription medicine. Another doctor put me on anti depressants when I complained that a blood pressure medication was not working well enough. I have also tried and discarded different methods of alternative medicine that were not effective.
The most important thing you can do is to take responsibility for your own health. This does not mean jumping wildly into any thing that comes along. Treatments that work for one (or many)may not help you at all. I am still searching, still asking questions, yet also trying to answer questions, based on my own experience, that might help someone else. If you are sincere about learning to improve your health keep on posting and asking questions. Someone will try and help you.