also, i think it's important for people to look at this rationally. TAke the liver flush. Fasting for 20 hours will not kill most people, nor will grapefruit juice and olive oil and Epsom Salts . It's always good to find out from a physician if you have a condition that would be hurt by those things (ie: my mom has crohns and Epsom Salts are probably too hard on her system right now, so we'd make adjustments)...but in general, all one needs to do is look at the side effect list of any drug that you by at the pharmacy to know that we have a problem in our society. We treat symptoms, not causes, and there is money to be made in that - a lot of money. Always follow the money trail. WAtch for that too when you look at so-called "statistical data". If one is worried more about olive oil than anti-depressants, we've got a serious brain-washing situation going on.