Re: I keep getting gallbladder attacks - help!
I can't tell you why what is happening to you is happening but, I've been reading quite a bit of info. on this site. Your diet "before" the attacks sounds like you've really had no problems....only, you could possibly have been forming many stones in your liver over this "fun eating" period of time. I read that once your liver is full (stones)....your stones move into the gallbladder. There they also can move around and cause great pain. As you flush you actually are indeed trying to "move" them out.
I'm only guessing but, it could be that your flushing is doing what it should do....move the stones in your liver out. This could cause discomfort until all your stones are gone. If you had never flushed.....and continued on with your old diet...well, eventually you would have needed your flush anyway. Stones form and are in the liver. When they are forced out, it seems that for some there is a measure of discomfort. Your gallbladder attacks when you eat simple "good" stuff is something I haven't read about yet. I do know that a "sick" gallbladder (without stones even) can cause pain with even eating lettuce. Have you ever had a sonogram to confirm that you have stones in your gallbladder? I did. And yes they are there. It would be interesting to know if you do. Are you following the suggestions here on the site....i.e. drinking plenty of applejuice, and taking
Epsom Salts (Tbs in glass of water in order to open ducts of the gallbladder and liver so stones can pass more smoothly.)to relieve the pain?
Sorry I can't be more help to you.