Celiac disease cannot be cured. That's why they're doing research in the first place. All these sites which claim it can be cured through ways similar to your own are hoaxes. All the people who claim to have cured celiac have not--but merely do not have symptoms anymore. NO SYMPTOMS DOES NOT MEAN NO CELIAC and if you continue to eat gluten I guarantee you you will get a few of the following: cancer, type 1 diabetes, lupus, osteoporosis, malnutrition, etc. and will decrease your lifespan by at least twenty years. DON'T EAT GLUTEN--IT'S NOT WORTH IT!
And please visit http://www.glutenfreeforum.com where there is a reliable message board on celiac disease or http://www.celiac.com for terrific and accurate articles from Scott Adams, a very well-informed person unlike this person you wrote to.