What did you eat to get you over the gluten intolerance? I am convinced since every person in my immediate childhood family was determined to be gluten intolerant on testing a few years ago that it is related to the diet we ate when I was growing up. ( heavy, heavy animal protein . . .lots of meat and cheese and traditional family desserts that were laden with cream and sugar). My diet is very different now. I have been vegan for 8 years with 50 - 75 % raw foods (it fluctuates). I have seen my health in general turn around nearly 180 degrees. I have known about the gluten sensitivity for 2 1/2 years and so have been off grains for 2 1/2 years. I've done 23 Liver Cleanses so far. I have done probably a dozen parasite cleanses over the last 5 years and the kidney cleanse a couple of times and a bowel cleanse. But I still have the gluten issue and would really like to be rid of it. Any suggestions? Is it just a matter of continuing with the cleanses? Maybe there's a bunch more to clean out of my liver.