Hi I sympathise with you! I'm new too. I had the mirena coil fitted 11 weeks ago and am still bleeding. This past few days have been horrible as my endo pain has also returned with a vengeance, and I have had a bad migraine today. I am being encouraged to have an injection of Prostap as well to bring on an early and temporary menopause, but I'm not sure what to do. I really want to know if what's happening to my body now is normal with the coil. Have you had any more info since you posted your message? How long should I expect all this nonsense to go on for before my periods stop altogether. I know you probably don't know either but I'm desperate too! Where do we go from here? By the way I'm 38 and have 3 sons so my preferred option is to have a hysterectomy and get rid of the rotten stuff altogether. Am I insane?