Hi steve,
thanks for the reply.
I have a hard time to convince chiropractors that Dorn is the future. I am trained in chiro myself but i don't do it anymore since i know Dorn.
Plenty of my patients just came from chiro therapy.
I just wish that i can get some keypersons in the USA who wants to learn the Dorn Method so we could also bring this fantastic Therapy to the States.
Don't get me wrong please i am not saying that chiro is bad but it is less effective and more risky than Dorn although if done the right way it can bring an immediate relief. Unfortunately chiro is just a therapy and not a self helf method.
And it takes long to study therefore the practitioner cannot 'waste' 1 hour or longer with a patient for 'little' money because he/she invested time and money for the education that needs to come back i understand that. the whole health system in my opinion is not as it should be.