I just have to agree on most points. Emotional Issues influence or health and our Pain strongly. But this connection goes in both ways: By helping on the physical level you may also experience some relief on the non-physical (emotional, phsychological or spiritual) level.
Acupressure and similar therapies help a lot but will not correct misalignments and for that the Dorn Method is most likely the most effective and safe manual therapy available today.
Knowing about the different connections we re-align our patients spine and joints first then we balance the spinal energy with the 'Breuss' Massage invented by the late Austrian Healer Rudolf Breuss. And then we sometimes give a deep neuro-muscular massage that works especially on the meridians and acupuncture, acupressure points.
What i also like on your approach is that the patient can do this on his/her own same with the Dorn Method (at least in most ways).