How do you know this applies to me?
Is it because I am the Red serpent?
I would like to know more about this, how would I go about getting more? Do you get someone to do a reading on you?
I am in profound change at this time in my life.
I was sitting down today, and thinking... about the past 9 months and I CANNOT believe what has gone on. The psychic reading, the dreams, the WOULD have been dead had I not called the psychic when I did... is just so much for me, just so
far off, something that is not an every day life affair.
It is like far beyond my understanding.. far beyond...
I have no idea how I will be day to day, and just reading that
really does me well, cause it totally fits with me.
Quite amazing I would say.
Shadow Wisdom of Blue Storm/Cauac...
how do you know this applies to me? I would like to know things like, how long it lasts and so on.
I dont want to keep asking you on here, maybe I should do a reading somewhere?
What do you think?
How long does the Shadow Wisdom of Blue Storm/Cauac last?