Thats right
listen to my body. I know that there was another sentence in my bible dream that I cannot remember, and it was very important. Never wrote the dream down till later.
I am now much more in reality, and that has to do with treating the candida agressively in a matter of 2 days! Feel much more able to conquer this, and much more able to atain balance... and not let the dreams, rule my life.
Balance, is something I need to work at.
I know that my emotional health and spiritual health are great, and that the candida and lyme are huge contributing factors.
I dont know what that inner child dream meatn, but I aint gonna go searching for it, I believe, that it will come to me, it did already, and never asked for it, so it will again.
I am letting go, of all that I do not want. I believe I have had enough of trying to make this happen and make that happen.
I am letting go and ... watching my body like you said.
I believe, I know what I need, I will get what I need, and I will be well... when it is meant to be.
bye for now,