You must have some Sagittarius or Scorpio in you!
Interesting points...I clearly do not want to be left alone, though! As I wrote to Elly, above, I think that I need to learn how to clear my energy field or something...because I DO take in a lot of other people, somehow. You all have a certain energy and I actually live with it, turn it this way and that, feel the details of this part and that part....ack! I think I'm overloaded and just need to learn how to clear my space....yup, I better look into that...
Because there's a part of me, you're right, that is clearly not happy about this situation!
Thanks for the insight...there is truth in it for sure...even though, consciously, this is what I want to do the most in life (be in contact with others in this way) - my subconscious is rebelling a bit...
love Tracey