Oooh...this really resonates.
You say: Wow - seems like stuff going on with clearing your space
(physical or psychical) and claiming it as your own, and
maybe using your anger (power?) to do so.
Clearing my physical AND physic space!! That really makes sense. Totally. The big thing that went on with me and my boyfriend over the last few months basically boiled down to me needing my own SPACE! At first I just thought: I need to be FREE - get me out of here. It felt totally radical and I wasn't sure if it was true - or just Uranian energy (ack)...Then, after some became totally apparent that I really just need to have my own space somehow, someway...because on ALL levels (psychic, spiritual, emotional, physical) I just really need that to function optimally (I mean who wouldn't eh?)
Hey, a book just sprung to mind: The Poetics of Space and The Poetics of Reverie by Gaston Bachelard - ever read them? He started out a scientist (physicist) and then realized he was only using half his Self and started exploring poetry, space, the imagination....stuff you CAN'T pin down. I love him. I think you might too...he's totally grounded in science..and these books are beautiful and truly set your mind and consciousness to dreaming adn expanding...
I thought of his books because that's what I need in my space - I need rooom to expand without having my energy and consciousness butt up against another this point in my life that's what I feel I need, anyway..., your interpretation just feels so right...
"Claiming it as my own" - yesss...perfect. Brock and I have talked about this and we are starting to look for an acreage so we can build some little outbuildings, modern shacks - so I can have my own! ('clubhouse' & studio-office combined)
My rage/anger and power - Yes, that is exactly how I feel - that when I'm in that state I'm using PLUTO (rage/power energy! you hit the nail on the head) energy...hmmm...I'm going to have to think about that a bit more, astrologically I know that Pluto is affecting me big time and has been for quite a few years now - I know it all fits together into a larger meaning...I just have to step back a little and see the big picture.
Thanks so much with helping me fit the pieces of the puzzle together, Keason!
love Tracey