When I saw the length of your post I thought I'd grab a big hunk of fresh spelt bread toasted with organic avocado and hunker down to read your, always amazing!, dream-post...
WOW. (my usual reply to your dreams, I know!!) I wish I could think of some more words to express my always-amazement when I read your dreams and experiences!!
Anyway...that is just sooo amazing. It really sounds like the Liver Cleanses ARE cleansing you of ever more ancient feelings etc that haven't been dealt with. That you got ALL of this from a dream is inspiring!! It's all there!
And....that's just sooo amazing that the present bio's of these two people fit in soooo beautifully with your dream Theme!! Man. You are totally plugged in...All That Is is right at your fingertips!
Keep doing what you're doing and do keep us posted!