Uranus trine your Sun! Jupiter in 8th house
Peachy did suuuch a great job of interpreting your dream, I can't add a thing!
But here are a couple of transits that are happening right now which should be encouraging! Definitely the right thing to do. Your Spiritual Values are changing (Pluto conjunct your Neptune) and your boyfriend wasn't growing and transforming WITH you (Pluto square Venus)....so it's a very positive move that the two of you have split so that your energy can go into all the amazing things the Universe has to offer you and you have to offer the Universe!
Uranus in Pisces is now trining your Sun. You would have begun to feel this back in March 2003...through the summer. Then the feeling may have gone away a bit..but then came back full force January and February 2004. This is YOU realizing that, woah, you're a bit oppressed somehow and you really have to get out and be YOU, be FREE!
Uranus trine Sun:
Sometimes it is very upsetting to make fundamental changes in your life. But at other times you feel that change is creative and exciting, and this is one of those times. You are eager for change and hope it will lead you to a life that is more exciting, interesting and alive. You look to new ideas and new experiences for insights that will make your life more real. Consequently this is an excellent time to begin studying disciplines that will allow you to develop and grow as a human being. Such disciplines can include encounter or group therapy, yoga or other spiritual disciplines, astrology or any other subject that allows you to see yourself in a new light and to grow in consciousness.
At the same time events may occur that allow you to experience yourself and thereby let you express yourself more effectively than ever. You may encounter new relationships, new friends or even a new love that will allow you to be yourself more than ever before. Your everyday being is compatible with change now, and you are hungry for it in every possible way.
This is a good time to adopt a new physical regimen - a new exercise program, new health habits or a different kind of nutrition - that will allow your body to grow and develop. Break out of old physical habits that have been damaging to your body. You might conceivably be able to quit smoking or drop some other physically debilitating habit at this time.
You will be successful in every way that you reach out to encounter new experience. Do not allow conservatism or insecurity to deprive you of this great opportunity. Now you can make changes that will make your life better later on. If you don't make these changes, many years from now when Uranus squares or opposes your Sun, you may be forced to make them in a way that is less pleasant and much more disruptive.
Jupiter in the 8th house (November 2003 this started. Jupiter is retrograde right now so may be felt a little less - he turns direct in May and the summer/fall look like wonderful big expansive feelings to me....as Jupiter conjoins your Venus then Jupiter then Saturn)
There will be many powerful and fortunate changes in your life at this time. It may not always be obvious, but any sweeping change that happens now will be for the best and will make your life richer and more rewarding in the long run. It will also give you a much greater understanding of the psychological patterns that operate in your life. If you have recently been through a time of psychological stress or are encountering one now, this transit will help the healing process within you.
Sometimes this transit can indicate a time of religious and spiritual regeneration, what used to be called a 'conversion experience.' Certainly you would derive great benefit from studying occult and mystical literature at this time in your life, especially if you feel very troubled or distraught."
*Taken from Robert Hand's book Planets in Transit*
The timing looks exactly right, Yemaya! The energies are with you!
love T