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ouch.. someone bit my toes!
yemaya Views: 1,468
Published: 21 y

ouch.. someone bit my toes!

The biggest part of my dreams last night was when I was sitting in a room with friends and family and a little kid bit down on my feet, closer to the toe area..... he was biting so hard and I was yelling for help, but no body would pay attention... I was trying to get him off.. but he kept biting harder.... it really hurt! Finally I pinched him as hard as I could.... and he eventualy stoped. Then I looked at my feet... they had deep puple and black small holes in them..... I couldnt walk right, but still my family didnt notice.....

The other part i remeber is talking to my brother, and the floors were all falling apart and the walls were mismatched.....

I also had another dream where I was talking to my recently ex boyfriend, and he was telling me how he wanted to impress this new girl... and he was buying her somestuff, and the things that I wanted he seemed to be stealing them....but I wasnt sure!

any idea dream forum crew?
thanks in advance for any help.....


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