Alison I'll be a bit jumbled here as I am tired but I think the woman who was familiar was you and you were looking for a special mark identified with a fly(ing dragon). The word mark is usually identified with a cross (tau) t (T-Shirt) or any of the varied forms such as (X) composed of 2 v's or the rolling cross (swastika) such as was seen in some of our recent dreams. A mark once placed on the forehead or palm of hand is called a charagma through the cutting of the skin. It latter day christianity this mark or cutting of the skin is known as the mark of the beast and also a mark from god given to the latter day saints 12 each (completion from each of the 12 tribes) which true meaning is hidden from all but those who have gnosis. To those who have none they will view it as an evil thing and vice versa. The beast is equated with satan or the (dragon) Jesus said when referring to end times that he saw satan fall as lightning from the sky. Satan's name pre-fall is thought to be Lucifer which is in latin Hel-lel or light bringer also used as a reference to Venus being the bright morning star. So the 144,000 light bringers of the last age have a special mark on their forehead or hand that identifies them with their special task or challenge. This is referred to as harvesting of souls who are typified as vines or plants. The last days are the day of harvest of God's reapers. (Angels. saints 144,000 (Harvested Green plants)
I haven't read it yet but maybe you picked up some of this from The Da'Vinci Code. This stuff just came to mind and now I understand some of our dreams better in that "Light"