I do think the thoughts that we have affect us in so many ways. When you have negative thoughts you draw more negativity to you and ofcourse same goes with positive thoughts. I like your dream/idea about the eggs. There have been times where I could have gone down a very negative road in life but I stoped it and thought of the event as actually an oportunity to see things in a new light or go in another direction. I do think certain people and events are predetermined as well. It might seem weird but ever since childhood I have told my mother I remember chosing her to be my mother. I have a vivid memory of watching her in a scene she confirms happened before I was born. Weird huh?
Right now I wish I had some power to figure out what I should major in college. This is my present strugle trying to figure out what I am ment to do with my life. It is sort of driving me crazy right now. lol If I could see into the future for my life purpose that would be great. But then sometimes I think about people who have such a short time on this earth and there purpose must have been to be here to create a purpose for someone else. If that makes any sense. I fear that maybe I have no major purpose and that I might be just the backround for someone elses meanigful life. lol Sorry for the long post but you have sparked my curiousity. = )